Miles' Mission Hudson Bears

Hudson Bears

Mothers facing the heartache of loss often seek something tangible to hold onto, something that represents the love they have for their precious ones.

Miles' Mission Forget-Me-Not Baskets

Forget-Me-Not Baskets

Mothers facing the heartache of loss often seek something tangible to hold onto, something that represents the love they have for their precious ones.

Miles' Mission Liam's Hope Boxes

Liam's Hope Boxes

Liam's Hope Boxes, a cherished ministry, extends unwavering support to families navigating the loss of an infant.

Miles' Mission Art Therapy For Siblings

Art Therapy For Siblings

Art therapy sessions create a safe space for siblings to express and navigate their feelings, fostering healing through creative expression.

Miles' Mission Even Now I Know Book

Even Now I Know Book

Are you feeling lost and alone in grief? A new book shares a family of faith's journey as they navigate through a myriad of emotions, challenges, heartache, and frustration.