Welcome to Miles’ Mission

Our mission is to enhance awareness, provide resources, and support families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss - because every life matters.

"He has sent us to tell those who mourn that the time of God's favor to them has come, and the day of His wrath to their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel He will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for His own glory."

We are dedicated to shedding light on the often-overlooked journey of families impacted by pregnancy and infant loss. Our mission is clear: increase public awareness about the growing number of affected families and provide crucial support for their healing. Through our advocacy, we aim to inspire change by urging policymakers to prioritize education, research funding, improved data collection, and standardized practices in healthcare.

Whether it's ensuring every family has access to Cuddle Cot, offering bereavement bears, angels, books, and additional resources, our goal is to support families not just during their hospital stay but also as they transition home. We believe in giving families the time and space to heal at their own pace, acknowledging the significance of continuous encouragement and support throughout their journey.

No one organization can do it alone. Recognizing that addressing pregnancy and infant loss is a collective effort, we actively seek like-minded organizations to join forces and are blessed to have our current supporters and partners. Whether through financial backing or collaborative efforts in awareness and aftercare, we aim to make a meaningful impact together. We invite organizations to be part of our extended family, collectively working towards a brighter future for families navigating loss.

Miles’ Mission and the Little Blue Duck

Miles Mission Because Every Life Matters - Little Blue Duck
Miles Owen went to Heaven before he was born. So, he never got to experience the world the way we do. But one day, his big sister Harper told their mommy. “Miles loves ducks!” Miles’ mommy believes in her heart, that ducks are his way of letting his family know that even though Miles isn’t with them physically on earth, his spirit is. And every time they see a duck, they remember that he is safe and happy in Heaven, waiting for the day they can all be together.
So, when you see Miles’ Mission at events, you will see a little blue duck for children. The blue is because Miles is a boy and with the little blue duck, we draw the attention of families to our mission.
Please keep helping us to fulfill our mission by supporting our efforts to enhance awareness, provide resources, and support families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss – because every life matters!

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Even Now I Know: A Journey From Grief to Gratitude

Are you feeling lost and alone in grief? A new book shares a family of faith's journey as they navigate through a myriad of emotions, challenges, heartache, and frustration.

In Even Now I Know, Dr. Michael Bullock shares his creative perspective on the conversations surrounding the biblical story of Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Jesus.

Suffering loss does not mean you have to be lost. Although painful, grief and loss can also propel us to find a deeper purpose in life. Let’s transition into gratitude together.

Miles' Mission - Even Now I Know: A Journey From Grief to Gratitude - Dr. Michael Bullock

Although many women experience PTSD, anxiety, and depressive symptoms following pregnancy and infant loss, there's currently no established standard protocol for providing mental health support.

The National Library of Medicine emphasizes the crucial role medical providers play in improving a patient's outcome after stillbirth, stating that their actions can significantly minimize the negative risks associated with traumatic grief.

Learn how Miles' Mission can help guide your family through grief, helping you navigate your path to the future with compassion and understanding.